Brigadoon Software – UVic failed in privacy breach commissioner rules – Stolen Thumbdrive is the culprit
The University of Victoria failed in its legal obligation to protect the privacy of thousands of employees stored on a stolen computer memory card, B.C.’s privacy commissioner has ruled. Information and Privacy Commissioner Elizabeth Denham said when the USB flash drive containing the names, social insurance numbers, and banking information of nearly 12,000 current and former employees was stolen, the information on it was not even encrypted. “Encryption is the minimum standard for devices like laptops and USB drives,” Denham said in a statement issued on Thursday morning. “What is very unfortunate is that this privacy breach was both foreseeable and preventable. Instead of a simple theft of a mobile device, the incident resulted in enormous costs and stress for those affected and for the University,” said Denham. Read the whole story here: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2012/03/29/bc-uvic-identity-theft.html
Comment: You read about this almost EVERY day in the news. Organizations are opening themslves up to HUGE lawsuits for not protecting the private information of their clients. You don’t have to be a victim! The technology exists to protect your laptop computer, desktop computer, Netbook, iPad, Android Tablet, iPhone, Android Phone and iPod from theft using a proven location and theft recovery software like PC PhoneHome and MacPhoneHome. You can even protect Thumbdrives and other USB based removable media from theft using PC PhoneHome. You can download it today from: http://www.brigadoonsoftware.com
Brigadoon Software – Lost laptops cost companies dearly: study
Today’s mobile workforce is putting precious business secrets at risk, with lost or stolen laptop computers costing companies dearly, according to the Ponemon Institute. A Ponemon study backed by chip giant Intel found that losing a laptop costs a firm on average 49,246 US dollars after accounting for data loss, intellectual property, replacement, lost work time and legal expenses. read the whole story here: http://news.theage.com.au/breaking-news-technology/lost-laptops-cost-companies-dearly-study-20090425-aid7.html
Comment: Organizations need to protect their computing assets with strong encryption and proven computer tracking and rec0very software like PC PhoneHome and MacPhoneHome which have a proven track record worldwide of recovering lost and stolen computers. Special enterprise wide versions of PC PhoneHome and MacPhoneHome are available to protect netbooks, tablets, laptops and desktop computers from theft. You can download PC PhoneHome and MascPhoneHome directly from: http://www.brigadoonsoftware.com
Brigadoon Software – 32 laptops stolen from Overtown Primary School
OVER 30 laptops – bought with money raised by pupils and parents – were stolen from Overtown Primary School last Wednesday. The break-in marks the fifth raid by thieves at schools in the town in the past three months. Thieves struck between 11pm and 11.20pm on Wednesday night and made off with 32 laptop computers. The Wishaw Press reported last June on a fundraising event organised by the school to raise cash for the laptops. Read the whole story at: http://www.wishawpress.co.uk/wishaw-news/local-wishaw-news/wishaw-news/2012/03/28/32-laptops-stolen-from-overtown-primary-school-76495-30637120/
Comment: The theft of laptop and desktop computers from schools has become rampant. We hear these stories EVERY day from schools that have been robbed. You don’t have to be a victim… You can download and deploy PC PhoneHome or MacPhoneHome right now. Visit http://www.brigadoonsoftware.com to acquire a PROVEN solution to computer theft. We offer substantial academic discounts.
Brigadoon Software – Police probe laptop thefts from Parliamentary buildings
The Metropolitan Police are investigating a spate of laptop thefts from Parliamentary buildings. The news came as Labour MP Keith Vaz revealed he was the latest victim, when a laptop and iPad were stolen from his Westminster office on Thursday. Read the whole story here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-13467210
Comment: If a thief can steal a laptop from Parliment, how good is the security at YOUR organization? Don’t be a victim. You can download PC PhoneHome or MacPhoneHome right now to protect your computer from theft at: http://www.brigadoonsoftware.com
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Brigadoon Software – Howard University Says Laptop With Patient Info Stolen
WASHINGTON (AP) — Howard University Hospital says a former contractor’s personal laptop containing patient information was stolen in January. The hospital sent letters this week to more than 34,000 patients affected by the breach. The records held personal information, including Social Security numbers. Read the whole story here: http://washington.cbslocal.com/2012/03/28/howard-university-says-laptop-with-patient-info-stolen/
Comment: Violation of HIPAA Privacy Rule provides federal protections for personal health information. All computer’s containing patient information should contain strong encryption and a computer tracking and recovery program like PC PhoneHome or MacPhoneHome to safeguard patient’s personal information, facilitate the recovery of the stolen computer and lead to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator. You can safeguard YOUR computer and proprietary formation today by downloading PC PhoneHome or MacPhoneHome from http://www.brigadoonsoftware.com Don’t be a victim!
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Brigadoon Software – Student’s Laptop Recovered Thanks to MacPhoneHome
Thanks to Columbia University IT and Columbia University Public Safety’s crime prevention program which includes PC PhoneHome and Mac PhoneHome. Recently, a student’s laptop was stolen at LAX airport. It was recovered because the student had installed MacPhoneHome. The thief was caught and arrested! The student got his MacBook Pro back…
A Columbia student was returning back to New York from his home in Los Angeles when he put his laptop through the LAX airport security check point x-ray machine. He continued to walk through the metal detectors and was called back, while his laptop was left unattended at the x-ray machine. He returned to pick up his laptop and noticed that some unknown person had taken it. Read the whole story here: http://facilities.columbia.edu/students-laptop-recovered-thanks-mac-phone-home
Comment: You don’t have to be a victim!. Recovering lost and stolen computer’s is our ONLY business… We do this ALL the time… We can protect your laptop, netbook or desktop computer from theft when you install either PC PhoneHome or MacPhoneHome. Do it today… Download directly from: http://www.brigadoonsoftware.com
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Brigadoon Software – Stolen laptop had patient records from MCG Hospital clinic
The records of more than 500 patients at Medical College of Georgia Hospital and Clinics were on a laptop stolen during a burglary this year, the school announced Thursday.
Read the whole story here: http://chronicle.augusta.com/news/crime-courts/2012-03-15/stolen-laptop-had-patient-records-mcg-hospital-clinic?v=1331849025
Comment: If this laptop was protected with PC PhoneHome or MacPhoneHome our recovery agents would be searching for it’s location right now. Don’t be a victim! Protect your proprietary data from theft… Download PC PhoneHome or MacPhoneHome right now from: http://www.brigadoonsoftware.com and protect your computer from theft
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Brigadoon Software – 48 NASA Laptops Stolen in Two Years
Even NASA laptops are vulnerable to theft and poor security practices: 48 NASA laptops or mobile devices were stolen from America’s space agency between April 2009 and April 2011, including one–unencrypted–laptop containing control codes for the International Space Station (ISS). Read the whole story here: http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/251318/48_nasa_laptops_stolen_in_two_years_a_case_for_better_encryption_practices.html
Comment: You would think a Top Secret Agency like NASA would protect it’s computers with a tracking software like PC PhoneHome or MacPhoneHome. Considering that the average value of an individual lost laptop has been computed as more than $49,000. I would imagine the cost of the data on a NASA computer would be worth millions… Security minded individuals and organizations can protect their computing assets with PC PhoneHome and MacPhoneHome today. Download directly from: http://www.brigadoonsoftware.com
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