Brigadoon Software – 2 in every 5 things stolen in New York City is an Apple product
iCrime is on the rise, with the release of the truly stunning statistic that forty percent of all stolen items in New York City is an Apple product. Well, at least the thieves have good taste…?
Recently, I was talking to a friend who lives in San Francisco about the fact that, in certain areas of the city, people have stopped using their iPhones and iPods while walking on the streets. The reason why, this friend explained, was that thieves had suddenly started just blatantly grabbing the Apple devices out of their owners hands, and – somewhat stunningly to me – gotten away with it. “Don’t other people see?” I asked, incredulously. “Doesn’t somebody try to stop this kind of thing happening?” My friend gave me the shrug, the one that you’ve seen a hundred times before, which roughly translates into, Don’t ask me. I’m just the messenger. Read the entire story here:
Comment: You don’t have to be a victom… Brigadoon Software’s PC PhoneHome and MacPhoneHome will protect ALL your computing devices from theft… Our NEW MacPhoneHome Mobile for iOS will track and locate your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch anywhere on the planet if it’s stolen… We have also released Android PhoneHome for your Android Tablet and Android Phone… You don’t have to be a victim… MacPhoneHome Mobile for iOS and Android PhoneHome are FREE to all our PC PhoneHome and MacPhoneHome customers… Check them out now at: