PC PhoneHome LogoSecurity Software
Tracks & Locates Missing Computers

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We'd like to personally welcome you to our PC PhoneHome" website.
We hope that we provide the information you need to make one of the wisest computer decisions you may ever make: installing PC PhoneHome" on all your computers.

On December 4, 2001, we released PC PhoneHome" for worldwide distribution. PC PhoneHome", is a stealth anti-theft software program that tracks the location of a computer anywhere in the world. It is completely transparent to the user, or to anyone who may steal your computer.

However, unlike our freeware version, PC PhoneHome Lite", PC PhoneHome Pro" cannot be removed by unauthorized parties, and is highly resistant to efforts to remove it by unauthorized persons, even trying to wipe the hard drive using format or fdisk commands. PC PhoneHome Pro" is true state-of-the-art computer security technology.

Whether your computer tracking and loss recovery needs are corporate, governmental, academic, or just for your computer at home, there is a version of PC PhoneHome" that is right for your needs.

We look forward to seeing you throughout the year at various trade shows. Stop by our booth to receive your free copy of PC PhoneHome Lite". . .
or just to say hello.


The Management Team
Brigadoon Software, Inc.

© 2001 - 2002 Brigadoon Software, Inc. All rights reserved